First Aid Station «Good Samaritan» in Gardabani



First Aid Station «Good Samaritan» in Gardabani

Due to far away location of dense settlement of our people from medical institution (the closest hospital is 12 km away) and the fact that majority of people don't have private vehicle brought us to an idea of necessity to create a first aid station in the village.

On October 3, 2019 the first aid station was opened by Charity Foundation "Caritas Georgia" in Gardabani (33, Bakinskaya street) on the territory belonging to the parishioner and ordained deacon of the Assyrian-Chaldean Catholic Church, our dear Moisei Adamov.

The station is called "Good Samaritan" (Shamraya Tawa) and was built at the expense of Mar Shemmon Bar Sabbae Assyrian-Chaldean Catholic Church in Tbilisi. Our Church is also a donor of this project and provides financial support for the further functioning of the medical station. Adamov Moisei, who has a medical education, is the head of the first aid station and Lili Avro is the representative of our parish in the PSM program in “Caritas Georgia” as well as the coordinator of the project.

The architectural plan of the medical station was worked out, including room for reception of patients and first aid in the immediate vicinity of their residence.

Aims and tasks of project:

• provision of emergency and first aid in case of injuries, acute and chronic diseases, poisoning;

• provision of therapeutic care;

• promotion and implementation of preventive and health measures;

• promotion of sanitary and hygienic knowledge as well as healthy lifestyle.

The purpose of opening is improvement of medical service quality and first aid service provision to local population in the immediate vicinity of their residence. The medical station is equipped with necessary medical equipment and set of medicines for primary care.